Depending on when your next trip to Hawaii will be, make sure you plan ahead to get the best deal on Maui accommodations. We offer vacation rentals that range from 2 bedroom condos to 3 bedroom condos for rent with oceanfront lodging, so stay up-to-date by checking our rental website and make sure to contact us if you have any questions about your Hawaii vacation stay.

Speaking of your upcoming Maui getaway, if you’re searching for a unique island adventure for when you get here to our island paradise, then we have a special activity recommendation for you today. While everyone has heard about the Road to Hana, how many of you have considered checking out Hana’s lava tube? If you haven’t, make sure to add it to your list of best things to do in Maui.

This is a fun, fast, simple and educational adventure for all ages (a.k.a. perfect for those looking for a family-friendly activity). The Hana Lava Tube excursion offers self-guided tours underground in one of Maui’s ancient lava tubes that formed about 960 years ago! From 10: 30 AM until about 4PM, you and your family can grab a flashlight and go underground into one of nature’s impressive creations.

Upon entering the lava tube, you will pass formations such as a fallout shelter and explore lava stalagmites, lava tube lining, ropey pahoehoe, and much more. It’s a unique way to experience Maui and an even better way to explore the Road to Hana. So many people stay above ground during their trip to the island, why not be different and go under?

We hope you consider stopping by the Hana Lava Tube during your Maui trip. Look through the wide selection of activities on Maui and let us know which ones appeal to you for your upcoming trip. Have a great week and don’t hesitate to reach out to us about vacation rentals, adventures, fun and everything under the sun! Mahalo and we’ll see you soon. A hui ho